Warm, buttery tarts are served with cold, creamy, locally made ice cream. How can it possibly get any better than that?

Prep icon
PREP20 min
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Cooking50 min
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Ready in1 h 10 min





  1. Step
    Preheat oven to 350˚F. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, add flour and icing sugar. Cut in cubed butter into the same bowl with a pastry blender or fork, add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until dough is an oatmeal-like consistency. Roll into a ball, wrap dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Step
    Divide dough into 12 pieces. Roll dough and place/press into the bottom of a muffin tin.
  3. Step
    In a separate bowl, whisk together the melted butter, brown sugar, vanilla, milk, egg, and salt until combined. Using a tablespoon, pour mixture into each tart.
  4. Step
    Place pecans on the top of each tart and bakefor 20 minutes or until a light brown crust forms.Set aside and let tarts cool before removing.
  5. Step
    Once cooled, place on a serving plate, drizzlecaramel and serve with a scoop (or two!) of ice cream.