Indulge guilt-free with the creamy richness of Greek yogurt for a healthier twist. Packed with probiotics and protein, this luxurious dessert not only satisfies your sweet cravings but also nourishes your body.

Prep icon
PREP10 min
Prep icon
Cooking35 min
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Ready in4 h 45 min



  1. Step
    Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. Step
    In a small pot, heat sugar and water on high for 14 minutes, until caramel turns amber.
  3. Step
    In the meantime, butter 2 small ramekins and place in an 8 inch oven safe dish.
  4. Step
    In a small pot, add yogurt and slowly whisk in the milk until completely combined.
  5. Step
    Heat pot on low heat, bring to a boiling point stirring constantly. This will be a little curdled.
  6. Step
    In a large bowl while continuously stirring, combine eggs with the milk and yogurt mixture. Whisk vigorously until blended.
  7. Step
    Divide caramel between the ramekins and then do the same with the custard. Fill the 8 inch pan with hot water (not boiling) halfway up the ramekins. Cover with foil and bake in the oven for 35 minutes.
  8. Step
    Let cool for ten minutes in the pan with water and place the ramekins in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
  9. Step
    Once ready to eat, run a knife around the edges and flip over on a plate.