Raspberry Peanut Butter SquaresRaspberry Peanut Butter Squares

With a hint of peanut butter these bars are reminiscent of a PB and J. These are easy to cut into bars or squares to enjoy on their own as a snack or serve it up warmed up with ice cream for a new dessert idea.

Classic Icebox CookiesClassic Icebox Cookies

Warm up your body by heating up a glass of milk and stirring in some honey and vanilla for a hint of sweetness. Want something fun and colourful? A spoonful of spirulina will turn your milk blue!

Sweet Almond Marzipan BunsSweet Almond Marzipan Buns

These delicious buns are worth the prep time. A perfect complement to your spring brunch table, they each contain a delightful serving of marzipan (almond paste), a confection typically made from almond meal blended with honey or sugar.