Greek yogurt gets its thicker consistency from having any excess whey and lactose drained from it. It’s a great source of protein!
There’s also Balkan-style yogurt, which is similar to Greek yogurt in consistency and taste but has slightly less protein.Sometimes called “stirred yogurt,” this yogurt has a creamy texture and is available in plain or flavoured varieties from vanilla to delicious fruit purées.
Kid-friendly, drinkable yogurt is an easy way to get nutrients on the go.Kefir is a thin, fermented milk drink with yogurt-like consistency that has protein, probiotics, calcium, B vitamins and potassium! Its texture makes it a great ingredient for smoothies.
A delicious rival to ice cream, frozen yogurt comes in many flavours and typically retains some live bacterial cultures throughout the freezing process.
Widely available in Ontario, skyr is a traditional, cultured dairy product that originated in Iceland. Skyr is typically made from skim or low-fat milk and is high in protein with a similar consistency to Greek yogurt, though with a milder, less-sour taste.
To start, bacteria cultures are added to fresh, pasteurized milk. This is what eventually gives yogurt its texture and tangy flavour.
The milk is heated and kept in a temperature-controlled environment so the bacteria cultures are activated.
Once the yogurt is a thick consistency (the longer the fermentation process, the thicker it’ll become) it’s cooled down and flavour is added.
Try plain Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream, mayo, and veggie dips.
Opting for yogurt will make your baked goods more moist. Plus, the acidity helps activate the baking soda, which will make them fluffier.
Drinkable yogurt is an easy and nutritious addition to your kids’ lunches.
Find out why dairy is an important part of a well-balanced diet.
Check out our most popular dairy-related dietary questions.