Milk is a convenient source of nutrition, providing 15 essential nutrients in just one glass. Consuming milk continues to be recommended by many Ontario doctors and nutritionists as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Milk is a convenient source of nutrition, providing 15 essential nutrients in just one glass. Consuming milk continues to be recommended by many Ontario doctors and nutritionists as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Research supports dairy as a key component of an overall healthy diet. Learn about all the ways milk and dairy products can support your patients’ health.
Download useful resources, research studies, and fact sheets on the benefits of dairy
As a source of complete protein and essential nutrients, drinking milk is a simple way to support optimal health.
Naturally nutrient dense, milk helps to combat nutrition deficiencies and ward off heart disease, hypertension, and colorectal cancer.
All forms of milk, including lactose-free milk, contain complete protein, vitamins, and minerals.
It is estimated that 80% of heart disease cases can be prevented with lifestyle changes that include a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and smoking cessation.
Studies have shown that high consumption of total dairy products and total milk was associated with a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Milk plays a role in disease prevention for many chronic conditions, including heart disease and hypertension. Learn how adding milk into your patients’ diets can help with blood pressure management.
Some people have trouble digesting lactose, but that doesn’t mean giving up dairy! Read on to learn more about lactose intolerance, how it’s formally diagnosed, and how you can provide the best nutrition advice to patients.
Milk has a unique combination of nutrients that make it the ideal beverage for post-exercise rehydration and protein synthesis.
Leading pediatric and health organizations recognize the benefits of milk and dairy foods for early childhood. Just how much milk is recommended for children, and which nutrients will kids get from a tall glass of milk?
When a runny nose or congestion appears, many people believe they need to cut out milk to reduce mucus. It turns out that this is a myth, and studies show that milk does not cause mucus.
Take a closer look at the role of milk in the prevention of T2D. There are potential mechanisms through which milk and dairy foods may play a role in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Research recognizes that the health effects of food are more complex than single nutrients. The Dairy Matrix shows the extensive nutritional benefits offered in dairy.
Studies show that milk is part of cardio protective eating patterns.
Research shows that certain dietary patterns can help reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. This includes diets that are high in fibre, calcium, and dairy products.